Monday, January 22, 2024

My Top Five Sources

1. Google 

One of the most basic of basic sources. I am sure that anyone who has used the internet has used google in one way or anther. Whether is is researching a recipe to looking up pictures of cute animals, google is a source of information that has taken over the internet, whether you know it or not. I, similar to most people, like using google as a quick source to get my information. I can easily use my phone or computer to find information that I need in that moment. I need a color pallet for an art project: google. I need to research a topic mentioned in class: google. I need to spell a word that I should probably know how to spell but don't: google. This is the easiest way to get information quickly and for the most part, accurately. 

2. YouTube 

One of the biggest sources of entertainment in the 21st century. I have watch YouTube videos since I was ten years old. It has been one of my favorite platforms to use to the point that I don't even watch TV anymore. Some of my favorite hobbies, such as video games and art, have come from watching YouTube videos. I also use this source as a way to learn. I use tutorials on YouTube to get better at different activities. 

3. Instagram 

This is one of the few social media apps that I use. I have used this app since 2017. It is a way I can connect with people and keep up with their lives from a distance. I also use Instagram as a small source of entertainment when I have a short downtime and can scroll through posts or reels. I use Instagram as a way to fine inspiration for art. I love seeing other artists works and seeing their art styles. I'm sure that most people have Instagram but I recommend really looking into things you are interested in and get inspired by it.

4. Pinterest 

Similar to Instagram, I use Pinterest as a main source of inspiration for different aspects of my life. I use is as a way to find new tattoos or clothing I want to get. I also use it for my art to find references or color pallets for my next project. A simple app that produces mostly pictures is one of my top sources to find creative things. It can be an easy way to spruce up online forms or personal projects without having to search to hard for pictures to use. 

5. Pokémon Database 

I play Pokémon a lot. It is one of my favorite series of games that I have put hours of time into. Even though I have put a lot of time into these games, I can still forget certain information about Pokémon, such as type match ups or move sets. I also haven't played every game so I can get lost and need a guide on where I need to go next. This website is where I typically go to when I need this information. It has little ads and the information is put in a simple and organized way. It is definitely one of the better sources for Pokémon information that I would recommend.

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