Monday, February 12, 2024

Privacy: Do we have it? Where did it go?


The Digit Age is a new technological age that the world is going through. With the inventions of phones and computers has come different platforms for people to be able to share there whole lives on. Social media like Facebook or Instagram have become so normalized that many people don't even consider what they are posting online and who is capable of seeing it. There are many concerns that have risen around the topic of privacy or the lack of it because of this digital age.


A concept of immortality has risen with the digital age. Once something is online, it will never leave. Even if you decided to delete it from your personal account, the picture or video or post is hard printed into a system somewhere in the world were it will stay forever. Juan Enriquez in his Ted-Talk actually compares this to getting a tattoo and how permanent it is. It can be concerning to consider that there is something constantly scanning and viewing our social media and our searched on the internet. To keep from getting these "electronic tattoos," you can control what you post on social media. Yo can control who or what sees your information. 


With the rise of new technology, it has become easier to find or locate people. Surveillance technology has increased within public and even private spaces where the government has access to see where anyone is at any given time. Catherine Crump and Christopher Soghoian both note the way surveillance technology has been used in day to day life and people don't even notice it. This poses a sever threat to our privacy because the government is capable of knowing our every move. While the government has put into place certain laws that let private citizens know about what has been recorded about themselves, the records are still there. 

Be in Control

Protect yourself by being careful in the digital world. Know your rights and know what or who is watching you. There is a fine line of what is and isn't private in this digital age but you can control what or how you contribute to it.

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