Thursday, April 25, 2024

Final Blog Post: Content Creation to Destruction

What is a content creator?

When you think of a content creator, you probably think of a famous social media star or a popular youtuber. While these are correct answers, there is more to the definition. A content creator is "someone who creates entertaining or educational material to be expressed through any medium or channel" (Adobe). A content creator's job can range for multiple different things such as what was mentioned before to authors, to musicians, and many more. These creators are the back bone to many platforms we use today. Without them, there would be no Youtube or TikTok. These platforms alone demonstrate the wide range of how content can be made and by who. These blog posts themselves are a form of content creation. Any form of social media post is a form of creation. It is so easy to create something and put it out into the world but it is just as easy to be consumed and destroyed by the very tools you use.

The Negatives

With the rise in new technologies, it has become increasingly easier to publish content online for millions of people to see. You could easily look on platforms like Instagram or twitter and find endless content to consume for hours on end. It's just words or pictures on a screen and you like it or dislike it when you pass by. These numbers become lively hoods for people and even more so for those who make a career out of them. 

On the small scale, lets take a look at Instagram. There are over 2 million people that use Instagram and almost any high school or college student you ask in the states will have one considering that is their main demographic (Backlinko). Almost the same number of people will claim to have posted something on their account. Just like that, you have hundreds of thousands or mini content creators just with the push of a button. Some people leave it at that. They post every so often just to share with friends or family a small life update. Other people become obsessed with likes and comments, needing more and more to satisfy themselves. These people begin to obsess over how they present themselves on media, making sure they look perfect but never real. 

Taking this on a bigger scale, lets look at Youtube, which has over 2.49 billion monthly active users, the US being second with most active users (Backlinko). Youtube has skyrocketed over the years, creating a platform for many content creators to have sustainable jobs through it. Some popular examples would be MrBeast, PewDiePie, Markiplier, MatPat, and many more. Content creators can put out videos ranging from one every week to one everyday. Hours of work go into making videos and editing them to be published online. Without these Youtubers, there would be no youtube. That being said, many content creators go through the process of burnout. 

Burnout is "a form of exhaustion caused by constantly feeling swamped. It happens when we experience too much emotional, physical, and mental fatigue for too long. In many cases, burnout is related to one’s job" (WebMD). While this can occur in any job or work environment, it is often found in content creation because of the strict algorithm that creators have to fight everyday to make sure their content gets out to people. Youtube requires its content creators but it hasn't made it easy for them. That's why many creators go by strict publishing schedules and tend to burn themselves out trying to meet them, exposing parts of themselves that they don't want the world to see.


There are positives of content creations. People find joy in the act of creation and sharing it with people. This can create connections between people with like interest and form a sense of community. As mentioned before, people have been able to make careers out of content creation either on social media or in bigger industries such as movies or music. It gives people the chance to do something they enjoy rather than being stuck with a job they hate. The creative freedom in content creation gives people a sense of fulfilment and also gives other a source of entertainment. Content creators are an essential part of social media's rise in popularity and they will continue to be. 

Personal Thoughts

I use social media everyday. I watch Youtube and scroll through Instagram. I use to post every so often here and there. What I've realized through my own, minimal experiences, is that it's not for everyone. There are many people who will try and who will fail. There are people who will get obsessed and change everything to make sure they fit whatever standard they think they need to so they can become popular. I am not a content creator for social media but that doesn't mean I am not one at all. I create art and I write all the time. I enjoy the process of creation and maybe one day I plan on sharing that to more people. For now though, I am content with where I am, happy to be an observer of media, a creator in private.

EOTO Reflection: Cutting the Cord


What is it?

Cutting the cord is when cable television is canceled in favor of wireless methods of services. Some of these wireless methods include Internet Protocol TV, Digital Terrestrial TV, and Satellite TV. These cancelations are typically due to prices and the advantages of other mediums for streaming.


By cutting off cable television, this forces a transition into a different kind of content. Ads are shorter and run for less time on screen. There are new ways to receive news, causing tv news to become less popular. There is also a gap between age groups when it comes to being able to use these new platforms. The newer generation will have an easier time adapting to these new platforms while older generations will struggle more because of the adjustments. This gap in not just between ages but also classes. There becomes a gap between the rich and the poor when it comes to these new streaming services. The rich are able to afford more ad free content and pay for subscriptions. Poorer people tend to result to pirating and having to watch ad content. The services that have resulted from cutting the cord also rely on internet access. This causes people to not have access to any form of television if they are in rural areas that don't receive internet.


Cutting the cord was an inevitable event to occur. During this age in technology, society is advancing and requires everyone to keep up, even if they don't have the resources to do so. There should improvements in the way people are capable of getting access to the internet considering how valuable it is in everyday life. 

Final Blog Post: Content Creation to Destruction

What is a content creator? When you think of a content creator, you probably think of a famous social media star or a popular youtuber. Whil...