Thursday, April 25, 2024

EOTO Reflection: Cutting the Cord


What is it?

Cutting the cord is when cable television is canceled in favor of wireless methods of services. Some of these wireless methods include Internet Protocol TV, Digital Terrestrial TV, and Satellite TV. These cancelations are typically due to prices and the advantages of other mediums for streaming.


By cutting off cable television, this forces a transition into a different kind of content. Ads are shorter and run for less time on screen. There are new ways to receive news, causing tv news to become less popular. There is also a gap between age groups when it comes to being able to use these new platforms. The newer generation will have an easier time adapting to these new platforms while older generations will struggle more because of the adjustments. This gap in not just between ages but also classes. There becomes a gap between the rich and the poor when it comes to these new streaming services. The rich are able to afford more ad free content and pay for subscriptions. Poorer people tend to result to pirating and having to watch ad content. The services that have resulted from cutting the cord also rely on internet access. This causes people to not have access to any form of television if they are in rural areas that don't receive internet.


Cutting the cord was an inevitable event to occur. During this age in technology, society is advancing and requires everyone to keep up, even if they don't have the resources to do so. There should improvements in the way people are capable of getting access to the internet considering how valuable it is in everyday life. 

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