Monday, February 26, 2024

Age of AI: What does it mean for us?


AI is a technology that is constantly evolving in society. It is becoming smarter every day and continue to advance past human expectations. Within this video, it explore this new age of AI and how it is affecting people. There are multiple pros and cons of AI that are noted within this video and the ratio of pros and cons may shock you.

A pro that is part of everyday searching is the adaptation to a person's interest. AI has created a way to track your searching and personal interests online. This creates a modified filter for you and sends ads or topics that match patters recognized in your online behavior. This can be a good thing since this can simplify searches for items you may be interested in or give you information that you would not have found unless you actively searched for it. But with this tracking, there is a con. Many search engines actively are tracking and storing everything you are doing on the browser. There is a strong lack of privacy, making anything put on the internet permanent. 

Another con that first appears as a pro is automation. Technology and AI has created a new system of faster and efficient work within the world, making product be produced much faster. This has caused many people to have lost their jobs to AI or technology since a machine is replacing them. The people that are more likely to be able to get a job again are those who have the knowledge about these new technology, leaving many people out of the running for employment.

Surveillance is another aspect of everyday life that is affected by AI. There are hundreds of cameras that have an automatic tracking and sorting system within them. Many airports and public roads have cameras with an automatic capture feature on them. Facial recognition and license plate readers have made it increasingly easy to find people. Combined with online tracking systems, this puts into question about the amount of privacy a person does or doesn't have. Overall, AI itself is a mysterious factor in life that people should be more warry of.

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